Surprise surprise…!

The best part about surprise is that we don’t know that it exist until people shout “SURPRISE” and startle us. Many times things goes exactly in front of us and we cannot understand anything.

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Oh my God…! :O


The thing I don’t know is that which side of surprise is more interesting, to plan a surprise or to get a surprise and which part is sad, our surprise plan being found out or to find out a surprise beforehand! Well I have experienced all d four situation and for me planning a surprise is more interesting than getting a surprise and finding out a surprise beforehand is more sad.

But surprise doesn’t work for me and my best friend. Every time we find out what other is planning, form venue to the gift. There is no gift which I didn’t know what it is before opening it and my bestie can’t make out what gift it is but he can say that I am planning something for him…

So this year with full efforts I am trying to keep his birthday surprise (that is this blog for him) as a surprise  and counting down the days with each post…

Don't tell my buddy about this blog

Shhhhh…don’t tell my buddy about this blog!

96days to go…

Keep —> 🙂

Stay connected.